Thursday, February 25, 2010

Petition to Build Progressive Coalition

Petition of Progressive Individuals to All Progressive Organizations

Build The Progressive Coalition

We cannot afford to let the right wing’s vision of America prevail. We all understand the deadly peril that awaits democracy and the health of this planet should the unthinkable happen. Let me be clear on this. Right now, they are winning and the progressive vision is losing. We must all find a way to work on our shared interests in addition to our seperate interests and constituents and brainstorm both a short term and long- term strategic plan that will give our values a better than decent chance of being embraced by our fellow citizens.

The right of center Conservatives succeeded in having their vision and values become part of the American culture. This is why labor for example is on its deathbed. Shall we allow the struggles of the early fighters for human dignity in the workplace to have been in vain? This is why laze faire, tooth and claw capitalism is now the norm, not the exception. This is why the idea and goal of shared prosperity is fading quickly and the nightmare of poverty spreading like wild fire to more and more of our people, as well as our neighbors in other lands. This is why global warming is well underway and why we will run out of energy and other natural resources. This is why our civil liberties have been compromised and in constant danger of being extinguished.

Accordingly, we, the undersigned progressive individuals, request the Boards of all Progressive Organizations to take action to form The Progressive Coalition. We ask that you do so within the next two months, sooner if possible. We also request that you select individuals from this group of petition signatories to serve on the coalition’s advisory board, and to seek input on the development of the coalition’s mission statement. Finally, it is important to all of us that you keep us informed on the progress of the requests in this petition. We need you to do what you should have done years ago. We pray or hope that it is not too late.

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