Friday, February 19, 2010

Limiting the Role of Corporations

I am sick of hearing about limiting the role of government as a means to fend off sound economic policy aimed at shared prosperity.

How about forming an organization that advocates for limiting the role of corporations in the public sphere, including the provision of governmental services of any type. It is high time to remind our business sector that corporate status exists by virtue of statutes enacted in the name of the people.

Corporations have forever used their resources to enrich themselves at the expense and on the backs of the people. Additionally, by allowing corporate status, we shield the "owners" i.e. stockholders of these business enterprises from personal liability for business debt and negligence. Proprietors of a business not set up in corporate form do not have this protection. By enacting the laws that grant business owners the right to do business as a corporation, we provide a business safety net, thus promoting entrepreneurship.

Corporations, as creatures of law, have been given the fictional status of "persons" with the same level of legal rights as real persons. We can enact laws that would modify that status, specifically depriving these enterprises of person status. We must put these so called "persons" in their proper place.

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