Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The poetry of politics

Tea Party Republican Party Tea Party Republican Party Tea Party crusader army of the Republican Party spiritual descendants of inquisitors certain of their righteousness demonizing the rest of us subjecting us to tyrannical tirades tightly wound irrationalism devolution fanatique evoking symbolic ultimatums their way or no way with jack boots, guns, clubs, fire, pillage, the end of America, Tea Party Republican Party Tea Republican Party Republicans Tea Baggers Mad Hatters Party Crappers Tea Party freedom fakers brainless, ignorant, hysterical radical terror seekers race baiters homophobic Nazi Hitler lovers of the KKK, John Birch, haters of anyone and everyone not white extreme makeover Christian tax evaders Tea Party Republican Party tea Party Republican Party

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Proud Progressive Coalition

Tea Party members are pissed off! See

Hey progressives, let's show those tea partiers the power of our numbers and the strenght of our characters. Let's make it clear to them that the tiny microscopic minoirty t'hey actually reprersent, will not be allowed to bully the rest of us.

I have a "name" we can use to brand ourselves - The Proud Progressive Coalition. We stand for for shared prospertiy, intelligent governance, empathy, and compassion. We believe that democracy is not possible where power is vested in the few rather than in the people. We oppose the privatization of core governmental functions, corporate/ private sector rule, and theocracy. We are repulsed by bigots and haters and their threats of violence. We will not be intiimidated by those behaviors individually or collectively.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Conservative Ideology

Conservative economics and ideology have destroyed our nation. It gladly handed over manufacturing jobs to China while looking the other way as that greedy nation manipulated its currency to undermine American competitiveness. It ushered in an era of moral bankruptcy, with its golden rule being caveat emptor. It applauded the denial of health care for insured people as a way of stealing their premium dollars to fatten the paychecks of insurance company executives and their whores - the lobbyists. It used emotional "social" issues to create a seriously dangerous climate of divisiveness that threatens the very unity we need to keep our nation moving forward and safe from complete decline as a world power. It has no regard for truth, preferring instead to replace journalists with propagandists. It is supremely anti-democratic as it advocates for privatization of governmental functions, inclusive of military operations. They have lost their souls and betrayed our nation collectively and each of us as individuals.